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Varinrat Budda-ard
Tippawan Tangmangmee


The main objective of this doctoral thesis on art and designing entitled ‘Lanna Painting towards the Creation of Mixed-Media Paintings’ is to study on Lanna mural painting in the contexts of origins, patterns and styles, creation method, compositions, as well as relevant beliefs, values and literatures in local areas of northern region of Thailand, there are 7 temple: Buak Krok Luang Temple Pa Daet Temple, Tha Kham Temple, Nong Bua Temple, Phumin Temple, Phra Singh Temple, Ton Kwen Temple. which lead to the creation of contemporary art works created with mixed media through the synthesis of bodies of knowledge of Lanna mural paintings, as modern media for disseminating the concepts of virtues, morals and ethics that are concurrent with the socio-cultural foundation of Lanna. This research work is an art creative research project that uses the interdisciplinary research method, the findings of which are presented with the descriptive technique and the technique of art exhibition. In the course of this research, information and knowledge is derived from documentary research on relevant papers, books, academic journals and other art research projects, and field work that is the on-site observation to see paintings, to interview with local sources of authorities who visit temples on histories, origins, compositions, style, as well as beliefs and cultural identities of mural paintings. Bodies of knowledge attained from the research are analyzed and synthesized with the focus on chosen identities and prominent components of paintings. Afterward, works in the ‘Lanna Painting towards the Creation of Mixed-Media Paintings’ are created. The works are presented with the techniques of installation art, incorporating animation, video art and project mapping. Audiences can view the works on their smart phones by scanning the QR code provided. In addition, all the works that are created with modern materials, namely, vinyls, lighting and fabric

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How to Cite
Budda-ard , V., & Tangmangmee, T. . (2022). LANNA PAINTING TOWORDS THE CREATION OF MIXED – MEDIA PAINTINGS . Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 6(2), 32–48. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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