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Patcharin Rattanawipa
Wittayatorn Torkaew
Hassaporn Thongdaeng


Communication to strengthen the networks within and outside an agency is considered as the important mechanism for the integration of government management. It helps to create positive attitude and promote better understanding among the related officers, make them success in works and achieve their goals. The Office of Election Commission of Thailand (ECT) is the government agency that has a large network of co-operators to educate the public on politics and national administration, promote the election related news in candid and transparent manner. The effective networking management is therefore important and necessary to fulfill the agency missions. The objectives of this research are to study 1) the possible ideas and policies that can ensure good communication management among the EC networks 2) the process to ensure good communication management among the EC networks 3) the possible strategies to achieve the good communication management among the EC networks 4) proposing the guidelines to ensure more effective ways of communication management among the EC networks. This qualitative research is completely done by the in-depth interviews with 3 groups of people, including 1) the policy formulators 2) the frontline staff 3) the academicians that are expert in the network communication management. The PRNE is the research outcome, which shows the 4 key success factors in promoting the effective network communication management, including 1) Participation (P) of people in the networks 2) Relationship (R) to ensure a good and effective network one 3) Networking (N) to ensure the good communication with both inside and outside agencies 4) Efficiency (E) to increase the effectiveness of network communication management, in which other agencies can apply them into their daily work practices.

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How to Cite
Rattanawipa, P., Torkaew , W. ., & Thongdaeng, H. . (2023). COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT FOR COLLABORATIVE NETWORKING OF THE OFFICE OF ELECTION COMMISSIONER OF THAILAND. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(1), 146–166. Retrieved from
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