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The objectives of the study were to 1) analyze the use of online media using the Assure Model and 2) explore methods to develop online media of Bunditpatanasilpa Institute using Delphi techniques. This research was conducted by the mixed methods research. The two groups of samples were 36 teachers and 17 administrators and professional teachers chosen by the simple random sampling and purposive selection. The research tools were questionnaires and interviews. The analytic statistics were , S.D. and independent t-test. The results showed that 1. The use of online media according to the Assure Model was at the highest level ( = 4.54). Moreover, there was no difference for online media usage behavior in both General Education and Practical skills Education statistically significant at the .01 level. From the comments on media planning using the Assure Model, the instructors focused on setting objectives, analysis of learner characteristics and selection, adaptation or design of media at the highest level. 2. Guidelines for the development of online media in the future, it was found that the overall was at the highest level ( = 4.61) with important issues: 1) Teachers should have the ability to use media and create digital media skills that respond to the learners. 2) Teaching media, media planning and classroom management affect learners' learning, the instructional design determined the use of media. The choice of media should be consistent with current digital technology. The future appropriate practical skills should be easily to access, fast with high efficiency which can be in the form of 3D, VR or AR technology and 3) The executive should encourage personnel to have variety of technological capabilities and providing students to have equally access to media and the technology media should always be up-to-date.
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