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Pritadrang Jonboonreang


This research article aims to 1) survey the data and communication media for conscious creation, 2) design and create communication media for conscious creation of local food, and 3) evaluate the communication media for conscious creation of local food in Upper Northeastern Cluster 1 by implementing quantitative and qualitative research methods for conducting this research. The 400 representatives from each province in the Upper Northeastern Cluster 1 were selected from government and private sectors, local people, business sections, communities, communities’ leaders, mass Medias, local food development experts, local restaurants’ owners, local customers, conservative groups, in Mueang District. These representatives were selected through a random sampling technique. The 30 informants who had expertise and specialized in local food, were from the same group, selected by a purposive sampling technique. The research tools comprised questionnaire, survey, and brainstorming form. Content analysis and qualitative data analysis were conducted and frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation were examined. The results of the research were as follows. 1) In conclusion, the data and communication media to enhance consciousness were mostly received through communication media, which included video media, pamphlets, activity media, and personal media, respectively. The content data of the media was to promote food local eating from childhood, pride and conservation, easy cooking using natural ingredients and avoiding using cooking oil, and table manners for special dining, and food decoration indicating to local area identity. 2) The media for communication, design, and create creation according to the needs and confirmation of the design included leaflet, video media, personal media, and activity media. Finally, 3) the evaluation of media communication for conscious creation was average at a high level.

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How to Cite
Jonboonreang, P. . (2023). MEDIA FOR COMMUNICATION TO CREATE CONSCIOUS FOR LOCAL FOOD IN UPPER NORTHEASTERN CLUSTER 1. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(1), 239–257. Retrieved from
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