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Kobchai Mekdee
Sasinan Sastsara


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the leadership competencies to promote smart tourism, 2) to analyze the needs for developing leadership competencies to promote smart tourism, and 3) to develop a plan for developing leadership competencies to promote smart tourism: a case study of tourism community in the upper central region. The research design was an exploratory sequential mixed-methods approach. The population for the qualitative research included tourism academics, information technology academics, and leaders of successful tourism community enterprises was 15 people. The sample for the quantitative research was 133 leaders of the OTOP tourism community in the upper central region. The qualitative research tools were In-depth interview form and the quantitative research tool was the needs assessment form. The qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis, and the quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including the mean, standard deviation, and the Modified Priority Needs Index (PNIModified). The research results found that 1) the leadership competencies were divided into two parts: the hidden competency, which consisted of motives, traits, and self-image, and the visible competency, which consisted of knowledge and skills., 2) the highest the Modified Priority Needs Index (PNIModified). of competencies was motive, followed by skills and knowledge, and 3) a plan for developing leadership competencies to promote smart tourism consisted of leadership competency development guidelines emphasizing development processes, assessment, and systematic competency enhancement. Competency development methods rely on a variety of methods or tools, divided into two main categories: Training tools and Non-Training tools and projects under the competency development plan, that would make tourism community leaders think and act. It can help increase the competency of community tourism leaders.

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How to Cite
Mekdee, K. ., & Sastsara, S. . (2023). DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP COMPETENCY TO PROMOTE SMART TOURISM: A CASE STUDY OF TOURISM COMMUNITY IN THE UPPER CENTRAL REGION. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(1), 60–77. Retrieved from
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