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Phramaha Ekkawin Piyaweero (Asim)
Phramaha Navin Bhaddharatantimedhi (Arunrat)
Phrakhruvinaithon Athit Suvadฺdฺho (Sookpanich)
Sitthipong Sitthiphataraprabha


The purpose of this academic article is to explain the relationship between Buddhism and political and governance in the Buddha's era and the relationship between Buddhism and Thai politics and government in the present. by wanting to seek answers to the question that What is the relationship between Buddhism and politics during the Buddha's era? and what is the relationship between Buddhism and Thai government politics at present? In which the state has a role to play with the people, namely managing the administration to be fair, allocating national benefits and resources for people to have equal access, etc., and the state has a mission to Buddhism in providing patronage and promotion Ordained monks to be able to practice Dharma, including preaching the religion with ease. In addition, the rulers must have the principles of good governance used as the basis for their administration. in Buddhism The Lord Buddha expounded the Dharma principles for government as a guideline for parents as well as the general public to have principles in their conduct. As for the relationship between Buddhism and Thai government politics at present have mutual support The government supports and promotes Buddhism through various policies or projects, such as the principle of “Boworn”, houses, temples, and schools, so that people from all sectors can absorb the teachings of the Dhamma as a basis for living and performing their duties in a sanctioned manner. On the part of the Sangha, it plays a role in disseminating the teachings of the True Doctrine in line with the current Thai political and governance system, which is a democratic system of government. Overall, both the Church side is Buddhism and the Kingdom side. That is, the Thai government aims to make the people good citizens according to religious principles.

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How to Cite
Piyaweero (Asim), P. E., Bhaddharatantimedhi (Arunrat), P. N. ., Suvadฺdฺho (Sookpanich) P. A. ., & Sitthiphataraprabha, S. . (2023). RELATION OF BUDDHISM AND THAI POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(1), 1–13. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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