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Wisit Gateratanakul
Titipat Iamnirun
Hassaporn Thongdeang


The objectives of this research were to study: 1) A communication model to create cooperation between the public and private sectors, communities, and entrepreneurs with communities. 2) Guidelines for the development of the communication model of entrepreneurs with communities that affect cooperation in community power plant projects. This was mixed-method research through qualitative research and quantitative research. Key informants were 10 people from government personnel, the private sector, and community leaders, using purposive selection. The sample group were 406 people in the area of the community power plants project using multistage random sampling. The research tools were semi-structural interview forms and a questionnaire. Qualitative data were analyzed by the descriptive analysis method while quantitative data were analyzed by the mean and standard deviation analysis methods. The hypothesis testing used multiple regression analysis. The result showed that the communication model to create collaboration between the public and private sectors and communities and entrepreneurs and communities was face-to-face communication, one way and two ways through the seminar forum. By presenting policies and impacts, both positive and negative, of the community power plant establishment. And that communication affects knowledge and understanding of community power plants at a high level, gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.95. The guideline to develop the communication style of entrepreneurs that affects cooperation is to develop content and sender skills by using language suitable for the area. And hypothesis testing, it was found that participation and acceptance influenced community power plant cooperation at statistical significance at the .01 level. While the collaboration in the activity of community power plant project = -.067+.554 (participation) + .304 (accept)

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How to Cite
Gateratanakul, W., Iamnirun, T., & Thongdeang, H. (2023). COMMUNICATION MODEL TO ESTABLISH COLLABORATION AMONG STAKEHOLDERS OF COMMUNITY POWER PLANT FOR FOUNDATION ECONOMY PROJECTS IN NORTHERN THAILAND. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(2), 237–250. retrieved from
Research Articles


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