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Anawin Ardsem
Bunrome Suwanphahu
Puangsoi Worakul
Jirawat Tunsakul


The article had two objectives: 1) to develop and investigate the congruence of the causal influence model on the organizational commitment of the teachers in the three southern border provinces and 2) to study the factors of the causal influence model on the organizational commitment of the teachers in the three southern border provinces. The research was quantitative. The population was 10,943 government teachers and the sample group was 557 government teachers from the multi-stage sampling method. The questionnaires for collecting data consisted of two parts: the first part was the general information of an informant, and the second part was the information about the factors that influence organizational commitment. The second part included four sections: 1) the organizational commitment questionnaire, 2) the organizational climate questionnaire, 3) the quality of working life questionnaire, and 4) the organizational culture questionnaire. The whole questionnaire had a reliability equal to 0.98. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics to find frequency and percentage and inferential statistics to analyze the relationship with structural equation modeling (SEM) through an instant program. The results indicated that the causal influence model on the organizational commitment of the teachers in the three southern border provinces consisted of four latent variables: organizational commitment, organizational climate, quality of working life, and organizational culture. Also, the model was nicely consistent with the data by considering gif.latex?\bar{x} = 179.20, df = 153, p = 0.07, RMSEA = 0.02, RMR = 0.01, GFI = 0.97, AGFI = 0.96. The coefficient of forecasting was 0.78, so those latent variables in the model could interpret the variance of the organizational commitment to be 78 percent. In addition to the causal factors, the organizational climate factor had the most direct influence on the organizational commitment, and the organizational culture factor had the most indirect influence on the organizational commitment.

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How to Cite
Ardsem, A., Suwanphahu, B. ., Worakul , P. ., & Tunsakul, J. . (2023). THE INFLUENCE OF CAUSAL FACTORS OF TEACHERS’ ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT IN THE THREE SOUTHERN BORDER PROVINCES. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(1), 271–287. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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