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Vanpra Seubsakulajinda
Pornphan Khemakhunasai
Pornthai Sirisatidkit


This research article aims to critical of the construction of Royal Pagoda in Nakhon Si Thammarat’s Legend and Chronicle, focusing on the meanings, knowledge sets, and contestation for meaning, using a documentary research methodology by collecting data from historical and cultural texts pertaining to the creation of Royal Pagoda, a total of 13 papers. The research methodology employed in this study includes data collection, identification of key themes, categorization, grouping, and interpretation using the conceptual framework of discourse and identity for analysis and interpretation. The results of the research indicate that the meaning of constructing Royal Pagoda has two implications. The first implication is in the context of creating centers of political power, and the second implication is in the context of creating centers of Buddhism. This study produced eight sets of knowledge, including: 1) the connection between constructing Royal Pagoda and building cities, 2) the use of names, mandates, and rituals such as Phra Chao Asoke Maharaj, 3) the enhancement of prestige through the twelve constellations cities, 4) the creation of authority over rice barns and water reservoirs according to the principle of fairness through devotions. 5) The incorporation of storytelling within Buddhist scripture and the application of local custom name to align with significant places of Buddhism. 6) The utilization of Buddhist supernatural powers and transcendental authority as the foundation for acts of kindness. 7) The pilgrimage of the people and the faith of the lay community to assist in the construction of Royal Pagoda. 8) The value of religious artifacts and as a source of resources for the city. Initially, rulers used Royal Pagoda construction as a tool for creating governmentality, but in later times, the lay community used Buddhist narrative and their own faith as tools for making Royal Pagoda the center of Buddhism.

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How to Cite
Seubsakulajinda, V., Khemakhunasai, P., & Sirisatidkit, P. (2023). THE DISCOURSE OF ROYAL PAGODA’S ESTABLISHMENT: A LITERARY ARENA OF NAKHON SI THAMMARAT’S LEGEND AND CHRONICLE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(2), 251–265. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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