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Jak Sirirat
Chot Bodeerat
Sornchai Taomitr


The objectives of this research were to study: 1) the level of strategic management; 2) the factors affecting the strategic management; and 3) the creation of a strategic management model of local government organizations. The research utilized quantitative research by using a questionnaire to collect data from 337 executives and personnel of sub-district administrative organizations in Phetchaburi Province. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and stepwise multiple linear regression. While qualitative research conducted in-depth interview to collect data from 11 key-informants who were the chief executives, or personnel involving in the strategic management of the sub-district administrative organizations in Phetchaburi Province. The data were analyzed using content analysis. The results showed that: 1) overall, the strategic management and factors affecting the management of local administrative organizations were at the highest level; 2) Factors affecting the strategic management of local government organizations consisted of staff(X5), structure(X2), style(X3), shared values(X4), and strategy(X1), written in the equation as gif.latex?\hat{Y} = 1.514 + 0.133(X5) + 0.145(X2) + 0.156(X3) + 0.109(X7) + 0.111(X1), and 3) the strategic management model of local administrative organizations consisted of the following components: strategy, formulating strategies, visions, and management goals in accordance with the environment; structure, decentralizing management and decision-making to the operational level; form, formulating policies, goals, management structures, work directions and visions linked to the organizations’ environment; system, implementing information technology in operations; personnel, planning a workforce structure to be of reasonable size and capacity; skills, supporting continuous learning and development; and shared values, personnel participating in setting common values, proposing problems, obstacles and solutions.

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How to Cite
Sirirat, J. . ., Bodeerat, C. ., & Taomitr, S. . . (2023). STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT MODELS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS IN PHETCHABURI PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(2), 479–499. retrieved from
Research Articles


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