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Somchai Prabrat
Niwat Sawatkaew
Salanluk Thepvarin
Somkiat Kaewkohsaba


The objectives of this research were to 1) study the knowledge and understanding of good governance principles for good home affairs management of provincial office personnel in southern Thailand and 2) compare the management conditions and corporate governance in line with good governance principles of provincial offices varied by personal factors. The population of this quantitative research was 626 heads and general officials of provincial offices in southern Thailand. The sample consisted of 239 participants randomly selected from three provinces, namely, Phatthalung, Trang and Songkhla. The data was collected from all cooperative personnel through a set of questionnaires and analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test, and F-test. The research showed that 1) the provincial office personnel had the mean of the knowledge and understanding of good governance principles for good home affairs management in total of 9 aspects at 6.10 points (SD =2.89); sorted in descending order, they were transparency, efficiency, responsiveness, participation, responsibility, effectiveness, rule of law, decentralization, and equality, respectively. 2) The provincial office personnel with different genders, ages, education levels, years’ experience, and positions had different opinions on the management conditions and corporate governance in line with good governance principles statistically significant at .01. The provincial offices should promoting the exchange of knowledge and experiences among personnel in order to gain more knowledge and understanding of good governance principles for home affairs management and create an atmosphere of management and corporate governance in line with good governance principles

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How to Cite
Prabrat, S., Sawatkaew, N. . . ., Thepvarin , S. ., & Kaewkohsaba, S. . (2023). THE UNDERSTANDING ABOUT GOOD GOVERNANCE OF GOVERNOR’S OFFICE PERSONNEL IN SOUTHERN THAILAND. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(2), 20–34. Retrieved from
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