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Wikhanesuan Tagong
Orawan Sirisawat Apichayakul


The objectives of this research article were to study Adaption of Chanthaburi Local Food in Tourism Context. Research methods through document analysis and in-depth interviews. Population groups that are key informants consisting local community groups, restaurant entrepreneurs, government organizations, Educational Institutions and Tourist Groups totaling 47 people. The research was used the concept of cultural adaptation to analysis. The results Chanthaburi Local Food divided into 5 eras which consists of Food for family era, Food for tradition era, Food for souvenir, Food revives era and Food for festival era. Originally, it was a natural adaptation to cook in the family and was expanded to a society were activities. Since the after economic crisis has adapted according to the policy. It has been transformed into a tourism product.  Foods are hybrids between local culture and west cultures.  Although there is no reference to traditional. But maintain value, meaning and local ingredients that indicate the identity of Chanthaburi for example Garcinia cowa, Amomum xanthioides  Wall, Cardamom Chanthaburi local food, besides that role of tourism product. It also serves to indicate Chanthaburi Identity, serves to conserve local wisdom, serves to jobs and benefit for people. And Food for festival era have a driving towards Food for medication Campaign and UNESCO's Creative Food City. It makes Chanthaburi local food adjust the new role including the roles of health to realize of eating and build confidence in the consumption of food for medication in a suitable way.

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How to Cite
Tagong, W. ., & Sirisawat Apichayakul, O. . (2023). ADAPTION OF CHANTABURI LOCAL FOOD IDENTITY IN TOURISM CONTEXT. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(2), 48–68. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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