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Nantawan Changkid


The purposes of this research were to study the willingness to pay, the factors that affect the willingness to pay, and the level of satisfaction of the people who participate Chak Phra, Thot Phapa, and Long Boat Race 2022 in Surat Thani Province. It is quantitative research. The respondents are 400 participants of Chak Phra festival, aged 18 years and older, using the questionnaire. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the willingness to pay for the fees and the factors that affect the willingness to pay of the participants through the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) and the Logit Model. The findings showed that the majority of the respondents are female, aged 21-30 years, living in Surat Thani Province, held a bachelor's degree, work in private companies with an average income of 10,000 baht or less, and have experience in attending the festival one time or more. The attractions of the festival are Chak Phra activity, Thot Phapa ceremony, long boat race activity, and merit-making activity. By using the Logit model, the result showed that an average of willingness to pay of the participants in the festival is 41.0626 baht per person. The personal factors that affect the willingness to pay for the fees, which is correlate with the willingness to pay, are an average monthly income and the expense to attend the festival of the individuals. Nevertheless, the career of the participants has a negative correlation to the willingness to pay for the fees with statistical significance. Overall satisfaction level of the participants is at a high level. In considering each aspect of satisfaction, three aspects that gained the highest level of satisfaction are the decorative boats, the parade of the boats, and the donation trees, respectively. Another three aspects that gained high level of satisfaction are the prevention measures against COVID-19, the royal cup ceremony, and long boat race activity.

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How to Cite
Changkid, N. (2023). THE WILLINGNESS TO PAY FOR SURAT THANI CHAK PHRA FESTIVAL, THOT PHAPA AND LONG BOAT RACES: 2022. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(2), 372–390. Retrieved from
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