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Thitima Booranawong
Sanatcha Theerachun
Kieattisak Yokseng


The objectives of this research paper were 1) to assess the value chain, value added, and the proportion of income of Pla Sai Uan (fermented fish) products, 2) to analyze the value chain management guidelines in order to enhance the competitiveness of Pla Sai Uan products, and 3) to assess the current and new value chains for measuring value added and the proportion of income of each Pla Sai Uan product. This was mixed methods research. The populations were community enterprises producing Pla Sai Uan in Nakhon Si Thammarat province. 12 sample groups were selected by using the purposive sampling method. Research Instrument was a structured interview. Data collection included the production process, production quantity, prices, and production costs for calculating value added and the proportion of income of each Pla Sai Uan product. The results showed that 1) After assessing the value chain, value added, and the proportion of income of Pla Sai Uan products, there were 5 stakeholders; namely, (1) fish sellers or farmers, (2) fish cutters, (3) Pla Sai Uan producers or processors, (4) sellers, and (5) consumers, 2) After analyzing the value chain management guidelines to enhance the competitiveness of Pla Sai Uan products, they could be categorized into 6 types which were reducing the joint, increasing the joint, expanding the joint, improving the current joint, developing new products, and creating the value awareness of the products, 3) the results of assessing the current and new value chains showed raw fermented fish, crispy fried fish, fish with extra ingredients, Pla Sai Uan paste, fish furikake, raw and fried fish crackers caused the highest added value of ingredients up to 2.86, 5.79, 2.84, 7.08, 7.23, 1.43, and 2.92 times respectively. It was also found that the highest ratio of revenue in the value chain was Pla Sai Uan producers while the lowest ratio of revenue in the value chain was fish fillet processors.

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How to Cite
Booranawong, T. . ., Theerachun, S. . ., & Yokseng, K. . (2023). VALUE CHAIN MANAGEMENT PLA SAI UAN PRODUCTS OF COMMUNITY ENTERPRISES IN NAKHON SI THAMMARAT PROVINCE TO INCREASE COMPETITIVENESS. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(2), 152–169. Retrieved from
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