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The objectives of this article were to identifythe postpartum depression among mothers with complications during pregnancyand factors; maternal age, family income, self-esteem, family functioning, maternal stress and spouse support predicting of thepostpartum depression among mothers with complications during pregnancy. The purpose of this predictive correlational research. A convenience sample was composed of 98mothers during their 4 to 8 weeks postpartum who gave birth with complicationsduring pregnancy and visit postpartum clinic or took their babies to well-baby clinic Sawanpracharak Nakhonsawan Hospital were recruited in this study.. Data was collectedduring June 2021 to December 2021.A system random sampling was used to recruit the sample.Data was collected by using questionnaires comprising the personal data including demographic questionnaires, the postpartum depression assessment, self-esteem assessment, family functioningquestionnaires, maternal stressquestionnaires and spouse supportquestionnaires.Descriptive statistics and Multiple regression analysis were used for data analysis. The results of the study that 14.29percent of mothers with complications during pregnant withpostpartum depression.The percentage of total variance explain by all study variables (self-esteem,family functioning,maternal stress, spouse support)was32.8percent(Adjusted R2 = .351, F4,93 = 17.264, p< .001). The significant variables which predictedpostpartum depression among mothers with complications during pregnant included self-esteem, family functioning, maternal stress(= 0.314, p < .05,
=0.342, p< .001,
=0.316, p < .05respectively)
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