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Porhathai Soonsan


The objectives of this research were, 1) to study the identity for Betong District, Yala Province. 2), to design Batik printed pattern to create an identity for Betong District in amount of 4 pattern. 3), to assess the satisfaction of printed Batik pattern. The research operation used a mixed research method by collecting qualitative data to support quantitative data. Collection of qualitative data conducted by selecting a small group discussion from representatives of population and officers and people who came to use the services of Betong District Office, totaling 20 people. Collection of quantitative data by using satisfaction questionnaire for printed Batik Pattern. Data was analyzed using statistics. The result of the research found that, 1) Betong District has 2 distinctive features that are known to the general public: 1.1 Betong Districts’s cultural features are architectural buildings and foods, 1.2 ecologically, is a beautiful area with good weather throughout the year. The highlands are surrounded by mountains, there is a sea of mist in many areas and plenty of bamboos, which is the origin of word “Betong”, means bamboo. The concept of designing Batik printed patterns from exploring identity from group discussions into 4 Batik printed patterns and divided into 2 cultural aspects, namely “Tasty Betong Pattern” and “Betong Bond Pattern”. The ecological aspect, namely, “Beautiful Bamboo Pattern” and “Beautiful City in Fog and Flora”, 3) The level of satisfaction assessment from the sample of population living in Betong District scored at an average of 4.53, Tasty Betong Pattern with an average of 4.47, the Pattern of City in the Fog and Flora with an average of 4.41 and the Pattern of Betong Bond scored at an average of 4.29

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How to Cite
Soonsan, P. (2023). CREATION OF BATIK PRINTS TO CREATE AN IDENTITY, BETONG DISTRICT, YALA PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(4), 160–181. Retrieved from
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