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Kanokporn Vibulpatanavong


Persons with autism who are gender minorities face several challenges in life. Through the lens of intersectionality, when one minority identity intersects with another, challenges the person must face are even more complex. This paper discusses challenges of persons with autism who are gender minorities, and discuss how to provide support to them. The challenges they face are such as people do not believe that persons with autism’s genders are diverse. A number of persons with autism feel that autism influences how they discover their identities. Persons with autism also have communication difficulties which influence how they express their needs. In addition, persons with autism who are gender minorities have limited opportunities to receive gender education specifically designed for them and have difficulties finding health service providers who understand both autism and gender diversity. Therefore, parents, education providers, and health providers are important in providing support effectively to persons with autism. In providing health and education services, service providers should consider challenges that persons with autism who are gender minorities encounter and provide services with sensitivity. They also need to be aware that there may be unexpected challenges that can occur during service providing and thus services should be provided with flexibility. Education and training for persons with autism who are gender minorities and service providers is the key to effective service provision.

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How to Cite
Vibulpatanavong, K. (2023). GENDER DIVERSITY IN PERSONS WITH AUTISM : CHALLENGES AND SUPPORTS. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(5), 211–223. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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