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Amanee Yeedoromae
Sujai Suanphiroth
Mahdee Waedramae


The article aspired to study 1) to compare the leadership of Muslim family leaders before and after joining the Existentialist counseling group; 2) to compare the leadership among Muslim family leaders who participated in the existentialist counseling group with Groups that did not participate in the Existentialist Counseling Group. The research sample group in this time was Muslim family leaders, Baloy Sub-district, Yaring District, Pattani Province. Were between 15-30 years old with a moderate leadership scores. Willingn to participante in group counseling, using a match-pair method for experimental group and control group of 8 people. Research tools were 1) The Leadership Assessment with the reliability of .95 2) Program of Group counseling using Exentential to enhance Islamic leadership for Muslim family leaders with 8 times. The statistics in the research included Mean, Standard Deviation, Wilcoxon Matched-pairs Signed rank test and Mann-Whitney U test, a non-parametric statistical hypothesis test, The data were analyzed using research scores that 1) Comparative results of leadership among Muslim family leaders before and after joining an existential counseling group were Leadership after participating higher than before. Were statistically significant at the .05 level. 2) Comparative results of leadership among Muslim family leaders who joined the existential counseling group and those who did not join the existential counseling group were Leadership after participating higher than those who did not participate in the program at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Yeedoromae, A., Suanphiroth, S., & Waedramae, M. (2023). THE EXISTENTIAL OF GROUP COUNSELLING TO ENHANCE ISLAMIC LEADERSHIP FOR MUSLIM FAMILY LEADERS. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(4), 15–30. Retrieved from
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