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Pasrampai Choicharoen
Panutsorn Jaruchainiwat
Siridej Sujiva


This research article aimed to 1) study the components of competences in organizing science experiences for preschool teachers 2) create and examine the quality of the assessment tools on competences in organizing science experiences for preschool teachers. The research was carried out in 3 steps of research and development methodology which were step 1: developing the initial draft of components of the competences and assessment tools, step 2: quality examining by experts, and step 3: the pilot study. Participants consisted of 5 experts and 9 preschool teachers of schools under the Private Education Commission. The data were analyzed by content validity with IOC, reliability, and descriptive analysis. The research findings were 1. The components of competences in organizing science experiences consisted of 3 aspects, 9 indicators which were 1) designing of organizing science experiences had 3 indicators, 2) implementing of organizing science experiences had 3 indicators, and 3) evaluating of organizing science experiences had 3 indicators. 2. The set of assessment tools consisting of 2 parts: Part 1 the main tool was the competences in organizing science experiences assessment form, which was appropriate and practical (IOC = 1.00, ICC = .982), and Part 2 the tools used to collect data supporting the main tool consisted of 5 tools that were appropriate and practical, namely 1) classroom observation form (IOC = 1.00), 2) interview form (IOC = 1.00), 3) document study record form (IOC = 1.00), 4) teachers’ behavior and conversation record form (IOC = 1.00), and 5) self-efficacy in organizing science experiences assessment form (IOC = 0.90, α = .891).

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How to Cite
Choicharoen, P., Jaruchainiwat, P., & Sujiva, S. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF ASSESSMENT TOOLS ON COMPETENCES IN ORGANIZING SCIENCE EXPERIENCES FOR PRESCHOOL TEACHERS. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(4), 334–351. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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