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Pramahapichai Warapanee
Phrakhrupalad Panyavoravat (Hansa Nithiboonyakonr)
Sombat Wongkamhaeng


This research aimed 1) to study a guideline of development for educational business market in response to customer’s needs in the digital economic age, 2) to examine needs of consumers in the network of International Buddhist College in the digital economic age, and 3) to present new know-how of a guideline for educational business market in response to educational consumers in the digital economic age. This study in a mixed-method research. For quantitative research, data were collected from 115 samples, and the research instrument included a questionnaire. Data were analyzed with a package program, and statistics employed included mean and standard deviation. Meanwhile, the qualitative research was conducted with an in-depth interview with 30 key informants. The research instrument was an interview form, and data were analyzed descriptively. The findings revealed that 1. The study of educational customer’s and consumer’s needs in the digital economic age revealed that the courses should be developed every 2 or 3 years. 2. New know-how from the research is as follows 2.1 The needs of educational consumers and customers in the digital economic age, according to the respondents, were generally at high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.22.,S.D=0.35) 2.2 The guideline of development can be divided into 3 ways including 1) development of courses in every 2 or 3 years, with short-term courses of 1 year, 2 years or 3 years, 2) creation of a platform as the center of learning, and 3) the instruction modernization. 2.3 The presentation of new know-how is found that 1) The college provides 1-year, 2-year, 3-year curriculum. 2) A platform as the center of learning 3) The instruction is modernized

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How to Cite
Warapanee, P., (Hansa Nithiboonyakonr), P. P., & Wongkamhaeng, S. (2023). GUIDELINES FOR EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS MARKET DEVELOPMENT IN RESPONSE TO CUSTOMER’S NEEDS IN DIGITAL ECONOMY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(4), 352–369. Retrieved from
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