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Pathomphong Phatpornwong
Tanaroj Lortanapaisan


This academic article explores the protection of human rights in the criminal investigation process by Thai police. Currently, the main focus is on human rights in the investigation process. While the investigation by the police is important and can affect civil liberties, the protection of human rights in criminal investigation proceedings is enshrined in the constitution and lower levels of law but there are important problems with human rights in the investigative process: 1) The law provides a broad definition of investigation and requires the police to exercise discretion without setting a framework or criteria for investigative discretion. If exercised with careful discretion, human rights may not be violated in the performance of work. 2) The rights of suspects who have committed crimes related to national security have fewer rights than the rights of suspects, even though they are only suspects. Contrary to the presumption of innocence according to the constitution and 3) The investigation process under the special law on narcotics, money laundering, and special investigation The only methods of suppression of transnational organized crime that have human rights protections enacted in investigative methods are vehicle searches, eavesdropping, and stealth operations. These special investigative procedures detail the method, procedure, and duration of the investigation to protect human rights. The Thai criminal justice system has mechanisms to protect human rights in the investigative process, namely protection within the organization, which is command. Organizational management according to good governance principles and controlling the morals and ethics of investigative officers Protection of human rights in external investigations includes the judiciary and the National Human Rights Commission, which are constitutionally independent bodies.

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How to Cite
Phatpornwong, P., & Lortanapaisan, T. (2023). THE HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION IN THE POLICE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION PROCESS. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(6), 344–353. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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