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Jiraporn Chareebut
Vanich Prasertphorn
Chaiyuth Sirisuthi


This research aimed to investigate: 1) the components and indicators, 2) current states, desirable states and needs, and 3) the program development for enhancing the teacher leaderships, and 4) the utilizing effects of the program for enhancing teacher leadership on Learning Management in Digital Age of Vocation Colleges in the Northeast, divided into 4 phases: 1) study the main components of child elements and indicator of teacher leadership by 5 experts. 2) study of current conditions Desirable conditions and needs for teacher leadership by 367 sampling teachers, divided from Krejcie and Morgan’s package table. 3) development of programs of teacher leadership by using 10 experts and 4) applying the programs of teacher leadership to sample of 40 teacher in college. The research findings exposed that: 1. The components and indicators of teacher leadership in the aspect of learning management in the digital age of Vocational Colleges in the Northeast contained 5 components with 50 indicators. 2. The current states of teacher leadership implied in overall at the moderate level; the desirable states in overall at the most level; additionally, and the needs of teacher included the PNImodified with order ranking, it illustrated different aspects of: learning management in the digital age, digital creative thinking and innovation, digital utilization skills, digital communication and digital literacy respectively. 3. The results from the program assessment for enhancing the teacher leadership indicated the appropriateness, feasibility and usability in the most level. 4. The results of program utilization for enhancing the teacher leadership disclosed after utilizing the program, showing the higher development than before utilizing the program at the statistical significance level of .05

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How to Cite
Chareebut, J., Prasertphorn, V., & Sirisuthi, C. (2023). PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT FOR ENHANCING TEACHER LEADERSHIPS ON LEARNING MANAGEMENT IN DIGITAL AGE OF VOCATION COLLEGES IN THE NORTHEAST. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(6), 272–281. Retrieved from
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