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Somchai Supisan
Yodkwan Sawatdee


The purposes of this research were 1) Study the model of environment management in primary health care facilities. and 2) Study the standardized design of facilities according to the principles of design for everyone in the context of a new normal. This research is a qualitative research. The population groups are users of primary health care facilities, with an emphasis on the elderly in the community. The researcher used a case study in Ban Krathum Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital, Sena District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. using tools including Standardized questionnaires and checklists for Universal Design. The finding of this research were as follows: 1) the context of the area of ​​each activity caused the behavior in using the indoor space with the new normal life context, such as health education activities and treatment activities, which were primary health care activities of the community. 2) Standard criteria for the use of the design for everyone concept according to the understanding of the person in charge of the hospital who may not have an understanding of the design for everyone principles. This must also take into account the relationship between service users and service providers in the context of the new way of providing primary health care services that have changed after the outbreak of the virus. n this regard, the use of the concept of design for everyone is a concept related to the new normal life context. But there is still a lack of government support and knowledge and understanding of service providers to improve the area. The researcher collected data on the behavior of using space. To suggest guidelines for improving the area by specifying symbols to be used in the improvement of the internal area to be the standard for the improvement of primary care facilities that are consistent with the design concept for everyone who needs to adapt to support basic health services. with the context of a new normal

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How to Cite
Supisan, S., & Sawatdee, Y. . (2023). NEW NORMAL LIFE CONTEXT OF PRIMARY PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER IN THAILAND. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(5), 325–340. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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