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Tanaporn Muangmongkul
Surasak Kaew-on
Somrak Rodjaroen
Tatcha Sampim


The objective of this research is to design policies, mechanisms to absorb the economy and develop economic absorption mechanisms, vernacular fabric products, with the University of Rajabhat Nakhon Si Thammarat as a market. The university has a higher demand than the production volume. Sample groups for implementing 5 groups of projects by specific selection methods. Students use common methods to createMechanisms for linking product / product requirements in various departments of the university With the product producer group/Local production By conducting research on the community stage in the form of workshops Found that the university is pushing the consumption of fabric products from the vernacular of Nakhon Si Thammarat by dividing into 2 categories, namely 1) official work type. It is a product that must be operated through the resolution of the Rajabhat University of Nakhon Si Thammarat Ati University has resolved to use the Metropolitan Fabric as a Kruei band, receiving a degree from Rajabhat University, Nakhon Si Thammarat. And set a policy for cooperation for personnel within the university to dress in Thai or native fabrics of Nakhon Si Thammarat Divided into 2 categories, namely 1) Official work type Is a product that must be implemented through the resolution of the Royal University of Nakhon Si Thammarat Ati University, resolved to use the Nakhon Phraek as a Khao Khao Phrae Division, received the degree of Rajabhat Nakhon Si Thammarat University. And establish a policy for cooperation for personnel within the university to dressThai fabric set or native fabric of Nakhon Si Thammarat Province Every friday of the week 2) General work type is a product that does not need to be processed through the resolution of the Royal University of Srivat Nakhon Ratchasat, such as Thai clothing bags, which the personnel and students in the university have used in the activities of the university. There are also areas for distribution through 2 distribution channels, namely distribution.Online through the website of the Property Management Unit and provide income and sell offline through the center. On-site distribution But in terms of production, there are still restrictions on production in sufficient quantities to market demand. And raw material problems that require external imports Which results in costs are high.

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How to Cite
Muangmongkul, T., Kaew-on, S., Rodjaroen, S., & Sampim, T. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMIC ABSORPTION MECHANISM FOR LOCAL FABRIC PRODUCTS IN NAKHON SI THAMMARAT RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(6), 26–37. Retrieved from
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