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waantip Pongpapan
Rattapol Chaiyarat
Tikamporn Eiamrerai


This research article aims to study the concept of consumption logic. in the housing advertisement The trade-off consumer logic takes place when housing becomes a commodity in the market system. Then, when housing as a commodity enters the advertising process. Residences will also have symbolic value and symbolic exchange value, for example, condominiums are a symbol of modernity and luxurious lifestyles of the new generation. These values are incremental values that seem to be more important than consumption logic. which is the true benefit of living The research results also indicated that The process of conveying the meaning in the living advertisement in online advertising media presents the logic of consumption through text and illustrations. in which the illustration The semantic characteristics consist of images that convey the meaning of travel and images that convey the location. It is often found in advertisements for residential condominiums. An image that represents the design concept and an image that represents the price. It is often found in advertisements for residential homes and condominiums. Including the use of symbolic images to convey the meaning of sales promotion. In the advertising image, the logic of consumption is used in a mixed manner. The advertising content will focus on the strength of the residential project. Including the identity and credibility of the real estate developer brand.


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How to Cite
Pongpapan, waantip, Chaiyarat, R. ., & Eiamrerai, T. . (2023). THE LOGIC OF RESIDENTIAL CONSUMPTION OF THAI SOCIETY IN ADVERTISING. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(5), 419–434. Retrieved from
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