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Nirun Vasantiaupapokagorn
Trakul Chitwattanakorn
Kiat Bunyapo


The objectives of this academic paper were to present factors relating to legal measures related to the electric vehicle business and the trend of the Electric Vehicle Conversion Business in Thailand. The presentation of this data was obtained from the synthesis of concepts, theories and related research as follows. 1] In the Legal, although the government has issued legal measures related to the promotion of the use of electric cars. However, some of the enforced legal measures are still inadequate and there are no other measures to promote other than tax measures. Therefore, the use of electric cars in Thailand is not as effective as in other countries. It also found that collecting tariffs for electric vehicles at a rate of 80 percent of the price of imported cars which is the same rate as internal combustion vehicles, is not in line with the pollutant payer principle according to the Enhancement and Conservation of Environmental Quality Act B.E. 2535. From the aforementioned legal measures, it was found that the price of electric cars was expensive. In addition, the government's financial support measures for the purchase of electric cars are likely to end. All this further makes imported electric vehicles a distinctly expensive and constraining vehicle for middle-income consumers. 2] However, it can be said that is also an opportunity for the electric vehicle conversion business group. If the groups can improve the quality and build consumer confidence in terms of performance. That can be predicted that Thailand's electric vehicle conversion business will have a better trend.

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How to Cite
Vasantiaupapokagorn, N., Chitwattanakorn, T., & Bunyapo, K. (2023). THE TREND AND LEGAL OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE CONVERSION BUSINESS IN THAILAND. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(5), 199–210. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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