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Kanokpong Muangsri
Wittayatorn Tokaew
Supaporn Sridee
Pattamapan Lomarat


The purpose of this research was to study health communication via social media to reduce sugar consumption in the prevention of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) among working women in issues related to 1) communication policy, 2) content design, 3) presentation and dissemination, 4) communication strategies, and 5) communication development approaches. This qualitative research employed in-depth interviews involving 24 key informants who were health communication management personnel, medical professionals, working women, and communications arts academics. The research tool was a structured in-depth interview form. The data were analyzed descriptively. The significant findings were: 1) Communication policy: The principle of Tri-Power should be applied to lay out the communication policy framework. Communication goals should be clearly defined in accordance with the individual, social, and policy levels. 2) Content design: Issues in designing health message content must be identified conforming to working women's concerns, demands, and lifestyles. Determination of tone and manners and the use of feminine language in communication in an easy-to-understand fashion are crucial. Emphasis is placed on the use of symbols and colors to facilitate recognition. 3) Presentation and dissemination: the presentation is geared toward storytelling techniques that keep up with trends, suitable for social media channels. Disseminated by tailoring the time frame and frequency to align with the content and target audiences. 4) Communication strategies: the strategic formulation includes persuasive strategies, emotional appeal strategies, empowerment strategies, modeling strategies, and networking strategies. 5) Communication development approaches: a working team should be established to drive comprehensive communication plans that are closely engaged with network partners, along with the cultivation of female role models of communication within organizations and communities, to expand the work of health communication via social media to reduce sugar consumption in the prevention of NCDs as guidelines for other health promotion agencies to apply at national and local levels.

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How to Cite
Muangsri, K., Tokaew, W., Sridee, S. ., & Lomarat, P. (2023). HEALTH COMMUNICATION VIA SOCIAL MEDIA TO REDUCE SUGAR CONSUMPTION IN THE PREVENTION OF NCDs AMONG WORKING WOMEN. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(6), 12–25. Retrieved from
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