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Naruedolrapassorm Jaksudechovanith


This research aims to: 1) study the behavioral problems of vehicle drivers, 2) study road infrastructure conditions, 3) study law enforcement, and 4) obtain guidelines for traffic management in Bangkok. The mixed research method was utilised. The 400 key informant samples using road traffic were selectively chosen. Questionnaires and in-depth interviews were research tools. The frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation were used for research statistics. The results of the research revealed that: 1) The most common behavioral problems of vehicle drivers were slow driving, overtaking right, drunk driving, and driving over the speed limit, not obeying traffic signs, turning on the fog lights which made unnecessary driving or parking on the sidewalk, unutilised signal indicator, driving back and forth across the lane, drowsy driving. 2) Road infrastructure conditions, numerous road work sites such as improvement, added roads, unnecessary intersections and numerous pedestrian crossings, unclear traffic lights, traffic barriers, damaged road, the uneven in width roads, vehicles from alleys/aloks/alleys causing interference with traffic. 3) For Law enforcement in Bangkok, the presence of police officers, road safety publications, checkpoints/extraction points, alcohol roadside breath testing stations, and setting up checkpoints to tighten traffic discipline. 4) Guidelines for traffic management in Bangkok, an element of traffic management, roles and responsibilities of the traffic police in preventing and solving traffic accidents, factors that can be included to predict the traffic accident, prevention behavior of drivers and a form of good traffic management.

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How to Cite
Jaksudechovanith, N. (2023). GUIDELINES FOR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT IN BANGKOK. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(6), 176–187. Retrieved from
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