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Yaowalak Trakulmaykee
Wimol Ngamyingyuad


This research aims to study the cultural capital relating to the betel leaf and the regeneration of betel leaf planting in a model community in Songkhla Province for the existence of an ancestor’s occupation. The researcher used qualitative research and participatory action research in sub-districts of Songkhla Province consisted of Chanong Sub-district, Sanam Chai Sub-district, Tha Kham Sub-district, and Thung Wang Sub-district. The key informants are 60 persons categorized into three groups including 1) betel leaf cultivators, buyers, and retailers 40 persons 2) Leader, sub-district headman, village headman, religious ritual leaders and local scholars 10 persons and 3) Members of Sub-district Administrative Organization, District Agricultural Office and Community Development 10 persons. The research instruments consist of in-depth interviews, structured interviews, public participation, and content analysis. The research discovered that the betel leaf signifies an auspicious plant symbolized luck, happiness, respect, and social status. Moreover, cultural capital and betel leaf relate to the way of life, tradition, belief, value, and economy. Thus, In terms of the regeneration of betel leaf cultivation in the ideal community, Songkhla is as the followings: 1) Building awareness on the worth and value of the betel leaf in both culture and economy toward descendant and new-generation youth 2) Establishing betel leaf learning center to combine prior and new knowledge into the context of change, conduct activities to promote the career, and distribute the knowledge to the public and 3) Founding the career group of betel leaf farming to increase the quantity of betel leaf and strengthen the occupation. The method, according to this study, is the suitable regeneration of betel leaf for communities and the era based on integrated betel culture and learning center under the concept of conservation, inheritance, and enhancement to proceed with the continuous and sustainable regeneration of betel leaf planting in the model community, Songkhla Province.

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How to Cite
Trakulmaykee, Y., & Ngamyingyuad, W. (2023). CULTURAL CAPITAL MANAGEMENT FOR REGENERATION THE PLANTING OF BETEL LEAF AN MODEL COMMUNITY, SONGKHLA PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(6), 62–72. Retrieved from
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