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Parichat Khwanboon
Banyaporn Bannaasan
Yaowarat Matchim


The purpose of this research was to study the factors predicting healthcare behaviors in order to slow down the decline of kidney function in patients with stage 3 chronic kidney disease that were receiving treatment at the outpatient clinic of Krathumbaen Hospital in Thailand. A sample of 116 people was selected according to the specified criteria by using the G* Power program. The research tools consisted of the following: 1) a personal data questionnaire; 2) a perception of health questionnaire; 3) a healthcare behavior knowledge assessment questionnaire; and 4) a healthcare behavior questionnaire for slowing the decline of the kidneys in stage 3 chronic kidney disease patients. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson’ s product correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results showed that all of factors able to predictive the healthcare behaviors for slowing down the decline of their kidney function (R2 = .519, F = 40.275, p<.001). There was a total of three factors as follows: 1) perceived severity of the disease (β = .372, p<.001); 2) perceived barriers to behavioral practice for slowing renal impairment (β = -.308, p< .001); and 3) knowledge of healthcare behaviors for slowing down the decline of kidneys function (β = .321, p<.001). These were positively correlated with the healthcare behaviors for slowing down the decline of the kidney function of patients with stage 3 chronic kidney disease (r = .720). Therefore, the factors of perceived severity of the disease, perceived barriers to behavioral practice for slowing renal impairment, and knowledge of healthcare behaviors for slowing down the decline of kidneys function should be taken into account. Used to plan activities and create a health care program to help patients adjust health care behaviors to slow down the deterioration of the kidneys.

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How to Cite
Khwanboon, P., Bannaasan, B., & Matchim, Y. (2023). THE FACTORS PREDICTING HEALTHCARE BEHAVIORS IN DEALING WITH PATIENTS WITH STAGE 3 PROGRESSIVE CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(8), 10–20. Retrieved from
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