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Pairin Makcharoen


The research aimed to analyze the collaborative governance of relevant agencies in transnational migrant workers management in sea fishery industries and the factual state of social protection for transnational migrant workers in sea fishery industries. This study used a qualitative research design. Data were collected from documents and academic works related to policy, management, and worker protection. In-depth interviews were conducted to collect data from government officials, commercial fishing boat owners, migrant workers, NGO officials, and relevant key informants, totaling 20 interviewees. Participant observations were performed to inspect transnational migrant workers in sea fishery industries and government officials, as well as relevant seminars, totaling 10 times. The findings revealed the following: 1) During the years 2015–2022, policy formulation and management of transnational migrant workers in sea fishery industries were characterized by "directive governance", i.e., the government determined the direction and vision, law enforcement, and worker management through employers and maintaining a top-down centralization of power and command However, the government has not yet been able to establish a regime or a process based on the concept of collaborative governance, where all stakeholder groups participate in brainstorming and collaborative action. 2) For the factual state of social protection for transnational migrant workers in sea fishery industries, there are dynamics in principle, such as legislation to directly protect workers management in sea fishery industries; however, there are still practical problems, such as the case of claiming compensation from the Compensation Fund with obstacles in terms of documentation and the problems of claims arising after the implementation of the government sector.

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How to Cite
Makcharoen, P. (2023). POLITICS OF GOVERNANCE IN TRANSNATIONAL WORKERS MANAGEMENT: SOCIAL PROTECTION IN SEA FISHERY INDUSTRIES. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(6), 226–237. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/265253
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