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Chirawat Rodchanasin
Samart Sukuprakan
Sirirote Namsena


The objectives of this research article were three-fold: 1) to study the content of the Buddhist Studies curriculum, 2) to investigate the problems of the Buddhist Studies curriculum, and 3) to present a model for teaching Buddhist Studies. This research utilized a qualitative field research methodology. Key informants for this research included 18 experts in teaching Buddhist Studies and 9 people in specific group discussions. The research tools included an interview form. Data were analyzed using content analysis within context. The results of the research revealed that: 1) The content of the Buddhist Studies curriculum, when compared to other subjects, showed that the morality and ethics content had the most indicators, leading to a high volume of content in the Buddhist Studies subject curriculum at various educational institutions. Some principles in the curriculum were complex, and some content was repeated across different grade levels; 2) The main problems with the Buddhist Studies curriculum were that the content was difficult and required a lot of memorization. Teachers had to spend a lot of time preparing lessons, often resorting to lecture-based teaching methods, which most students didn’t enjoy. Thus, Buddhist Studies became a subject that students found boring; 3) The suggested teaching model for Buddhist Studies should emphasize practical application in daily life, active learning. proposed teaching model for Buddhist Studies is the WCICC MODEL, which the researcher developed using the teaching techniques or parables of the Buddha.

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How to Cite
Rodchanasin, C., Sukuprakan, S., & Namsena, S. (2023). TEACHING AND LEARNING MANAGEMENT MODEL OF BUDDHIST RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(6), 262–271. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/265311
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