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Pitan Sanpakdee
Surachai Am-ugsorn
Naruphon Onwimon


This article aims to study the influence of corporate governance, which includes the independence of the Board of Directors. Absence of the positions of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Size of the Board of Directors Board of Directors Meeting Size of the Audit Committee and gender diversity in the Board of Directors on the Company's cost of money. Using a quantitative research model, we studied secondary data from 524 companies, for a total of 2,096 data points from companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand between 2018 and 2021, totaling 4 years from the annual report. Financial Statements, Annual Registration Statement (Form 56-1) and SETSMART Statistics used in the research were 1) descriptive statistics consisting of minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation, and 2) inferential statistics consisting of analyzing the values. Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis the results showed that Independence of the Board of Directors Absence of the positions of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Size of the Board of Directors and gender diversity in the Board of Directors It has a negative and significant influence on the cost of capital of listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. It was also found that the Board of Directors' meeting and the size of the Audit Committee had no significant influence on the cost of capital of a listed company on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. It was also found that Debt to Equity of a company size Data from industry groups and the year of data collection influence the company's cost of capital. These findings show that when firms have good corporate governance, they reduce investor risk and consequently lower financing rates for companies.

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How to Cite
Sanpakdee, P., Am-ugsorn, S., & Onwimon, N. (2023). THE INFLUENCE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ON THE COST OF CAPITAL OF LISTED COMPANIES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE OF THAILAND. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(6), 282–295. retrieved from
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