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Sirinapha Kasemwatana
Sathit Timwatthanabantheng
Chakrapong Lakfah


The research you have described aims to analyze the social and cultural factors that have influenced the perception of nude art in Thailand. By adopting a qualitative approach, the study seeks to gain a holistic understanding of the changes in societal attitudes towards this art form. The research focuses on examining artworks from different time periods and conducting in-depth interviews with key informants (Fue Haripitak, Aree Sutthiphan, Chalood Nimsamer, Chakrabhand Posayakrit, Sompop Buttach and Wasan Sitthiket). These informants are purposefully selected to provide insights that align with the research objectives. The collected data will undergo a thorough analysis, employing established processes, procedures, and criteria. The aim is to draw meaningful conclusions regarding the social and cultural factors that have shaped the perception of nude art in Thai society. The research findings are expected to serve as a valuable resource for students and individuals interested in studying and understanding nude art, facilitating a more open and informed dialogue on the topic. The changes in societal perception towards nude art, the research contributes to a deeper understanding of the cultural dynamics at play. It aims to address misconceptions and promote a more nuanced view of this art form, highlighting its aesthetic and artistic value. The research results can potentially foster a more accepting and open-minded society, encouraging the exploration and appreciation of nude art within the Thai cultural context. This qualitative research investigates the social and cultural factors that have influenced the perception of nude art in Thailand. Through the analysis of artworks and interviews with key informants, the research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the changes in societal attitudes towards this form of artistic expression. The findings have the potential to broaden perspectives, promote informed discussions, and contribute to a more accepting and inclusive artistic landscape in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Kasemwatana, S., Timwatthanabantheng, S., & Lakfah, C. (2023). NUDE ART IN THAILAND. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(7), 237–245. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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