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Jaruporn Jaichobdeeyingsakul
Patthira Phon-ngam
Athikom Roeksabutr


The purpose of this research is to develop innovations to promote the competitiveness of the fiber optic cable business in Thailand. It's research and development. The qualitative research method consists of in-depth interviews, focus group discussion and brainstorming. Target groups include manufacturers, distributors of fiber optic cables in Thailand, including the Federation of Thai Industries., fiber optic cable orders both in Thailand and China, both public and private sectors, namely NT MEA PEA True and AIS NT, including 60 network installation and repair contractors. The data was examined using a triangular method. The data was analyzed using the content analysis method. The results of the research showed that innovation development promotes the competitiveness of the fiber optic cable business in Thailand in 3 innovations as follows. 1) product innovation, 2) service innovation, and 3) management innovation. The implementation of innovations to promote the competitiveness of the optical fiber cable business for 4 months by 3.1) product innovation has carried out activities: 3.1.1) product development to prevent fire and spread and 3.1.2) new product development Air Blown Fiber Cable. 3.2) marketing Innovation conducted chatbot service activities consulting with customers directly and 3.3) service innovation has carried out activities that are 3.3.1) public relations activities via social media must reflect the story of the company and 3.3.2) QR code system to share information. The evaluation of the use of innovation promotes the competitiveness of the fiber optic cable business by evaluating the production and results, finding out that the new product innovations that arise and bring benefits to the organization and can generate additional income for the organization. It is adding new products as a choice for more diverse customers. service innovation

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How to Cite
Jaichobdeeyingsakul, J., Phon-ngam, P., & Roeksabutr, A. (2023). INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT TO ENHANCE THE COMPETITIVENESS OF FIBER OPTIC CABLE BUSINESS IN THAILAND. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(7), 144–154. Retrieved from
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