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Phumiphat Samruaysin
Patthira Phon-ngam


The purpose of this research was to develop an innovation to promote the health of migrant workers in the restaurant business in Chonburi Province. It's research and development. The qualitative research method consists of in-depth interviews, focus group discussion, and brainstorming. The target groups consists of restaurant business operators, restaurant workers, and migrant workers in Chonburi Including all relevant parties such as employers' and employees' associations and NGOs, representatives from municipalities, totaling 70 people. The method to verify data using the triangulation technique. The data was analyzed by using the content analysis method. The research results showed that the development of innovations promoted the health of migrant workers in 4 innovations. The implementation of innovation by carrying out various activities as follows: 1) innovation to promote health well-being implemented 2 activities: 1.1) physical exercise and 1.2) basic hygiene training. 2) Innovation to promote mental well-being, implemented 2 activities: 2.1) going to temples to make merit on religious days and 2.2) an activity to make merit and offer food to monks every Buddhist monk's day 3) innovation to promote social well-being, implemented 2 activities: 3.1) doing CSR by dividing teams to collect trash in front of the beach and 3.2) pouring water on adults and asking for blessings for adults, and 4) promoting innovation Intellectual well-being, implemented 2 activities: 4.1) meditating and 4.2) playing intellectual games. The Innovation evaluation was found that the migrant workers who participated in the activities were physically healthy, don't get sick with seasonal diseases, not infected with the corona virus 2019, have good mental health, gain knowledge in health care, able to apply knowledge in working life. The restaurant owner was satisfied with the health of the workforce., don't get sick with seasonal diseases, including migrant workers having knowledge in health care

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How to Cite
Samruaysin, P., & Phon-ngam, P. (2023). DEVELOPING INNOVATIONS FOR HEALTH PROMOTING OF MIGRANT WORKERS IN THE RESTAURANT BUSSINESS IN CHONBURI PROVENCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(7), 205–215. Retrieved from
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