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Phoompat Wichayanukulsap
Patthira Phon-ngam


The purpose of this research was to develop an innovation to promote work skills of migrant workers in the restaurant business in Chonburi Province. It's research and development. The qualitative research method consists of in-depth interviews, focus group discussion, and brainstorming. The target groups consists of restaurant business operators, managers and employees in restaurants in Chonburi Province, totaling 90 people. The analysis data were analyzed using content analysis method. The research results showed that the development of innovations to promote work skills were 6 innovations. The implementation of innovations for     4 months as follows: 1) innovation for improving communication skills by implementing as follow: 1.1) Thai speaking project for teaching younger siblings 1.2) training in basic Thai and foreign language communication skills. 2) innovation to develop teamwork skills by implementing as follow: 2.1) simulating teamwork 2.2) grouping Buddy in work. 3) innovation to develop problem-solving skills by implementing as follow: 3.1) work role-playing activities 3.2) preparing a manual for problem-solving in practice. 4) innovative skill development in initiative, by implementing as follow: 4.1) food menu design contest 4.2) media contest to promote creativity. 5) innovation to develop management skills by implementing simulated events as games and 6) innovation to develop adaptive skills by implementing as follow: 6.1) adaptation training 6.2) new employee orientation on the use of various equipment in restaurant. The evaluation results of the innovation trial by evaluating the outputs and outcomes, it was found that workers who participated in this activity were satisfied with their participation in the activity benefit and can apply knowledge to develop work skills and business owners are satisfied that workers have better work skills.

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How to Cite
Wichayanukulsap, P., & Phon-ngam, P. (2023). INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT TO PROMOTE WORK SKILLS OF FOREIGN WORKERS IN THE RESTAURANT BUSINESS CHONBURI PROVINCE . Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(7), 169–179. Retrieved from
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