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Ornkapat Bualom
Puwanart Fuggate


The outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) led to significant disruptions in the export supply of Thai cut flower orchids. The export value and growth experienced a decline of 34.14 percent. To ensure their long-term viability, supply chain operators must actively adopt adaptive practices. When examining the primary export markets of Thailand. it was found that the value of exports to the Vietnamese market has increased steadily. Even in the face of a pandemic. In 2022 Vietnam serves as the primary export market for cut flower orchids from Thailand. The value of exports amounted to USD 20.98 million, with a growth rate of 133.93%. This study aims to study logistics management of enterprises in the supply chain orchid cut flower export market Vietnam. In order to facilitate the utilization of the study's findings as a blueprint for forthcoming logistics endeavors in alternative ASEAN markets, it is imperative to provide interested stakeholders with access to the study outcomes. The study reveals that supply chain operators employ logistics management as a means to enhance customer experience and simultaneously reduce costs across four separate activities. 1) Customer service activities: Suppliers inputs that supply disinfection goods that do not harm orchids for sale are considered to assist in the resolution of problems and the fast response to customer requests. 2) Order fulfillment activities: The Company has improved its level of customer service by using new communication methods, and farmers strive to produce high-quality orchids in order to meet customers' orders on time. 3) Purchasing activities: Purchasing under strict regulations to prevent virus spread in order to obtain high-quality, safe products. 4) Packaging activities: There are disinfection methods in place to prevent the transmission of the virus at all stages, as well as a reduction in the size of the packaging to meet the airline's air transport requirements.

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How to Cite
Bualom, O., & Fuggate, P. (2023). LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT FOR ACCOMMODATING CHANGES IN THE EXPORT SUPPLY CHAIN CUT ORCHID FLOWERS OF THE VIETNAM MARKET. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(7), 55–66. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/266131
Academic Article


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