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Darin Phanthusak
Pisamai Jarujittipant
Nutpatsorn Tanaborworpanid


The objective of this research article is as follows 1) to study the evaluation of the quality of strategic plans related to sustainable integrated tourism management of Pattaya City. 2) to propose an integrated sustainable tourism management approach in Pattaya , using qualitative research methods. The key informant group consisted of representatives of executives/experts with experience in tourism management, 17 people, selected by a specific purpose. The tools used for data collection were semi-structured interview forms. The data were collected through in-depth interviews and group interviews. The opinion data were analyzed into 3 groups: central, regional and local interviewees. and separated according to the issues interviewed by means of content analysis. The research results were found that 1) The research results have found that 1) The quality of Pattaya's tourism management strategy, from a regional planning perspective, is implemented in accordance with the aligned strategies across all sectors, including the Pattaya City Development Plan, Tourism Master Plan, and the investment expansion plan within the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC). This is achieved through the promotion of community tourism, cultural tourism, and nature tourism. In terms of Pattaya's urban planning, both the public and private sectors have actively participated in the integrated strategic planning of Pattaya's tourism management. 2) To achieve sustainable and integrated tourism management in Pattaya, it is crucial for the city to adapt to various changes. This entails focusing on aspects such as benefits, feasibility, suitability, accuracy, coordination, and sustainability. The government, private sector, and local community should all play a role in this process. Pattaya must effectively respond to the increasing number of foreign investors, as well as the presence of migrant communities and foreign workers. City administrators should prioritize the development of strategic plans to manage tourism effectively.

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How to Cite
Phanthusak, D., Jarujittipant, P., & Tanaborworpanid, N. (2023). ASSESSING THE QUALITY OF PATTAYA INTEGRATED SUSTAINABLE TOURISM MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC PLAN. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(7), 306–314. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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