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Phuangphet Srisopharatch
Ratchaneekorn Tongsookdee
Pikul Leosiripong
Soisuda Vittayakorn


This research used a mixed methods using case study research aims to study 1) participatory process of parent’s collaboration in using the tactile schedule to reduce the urge to changing morning daily routine for students with multiple disabilities 2) reducing parental prompting and in modification and 3) the ability to changing morning daily routine of students with multiple disabilities. The case study was selected by purposive method, 1 person and his parents: students with intellectual disability and low vision, has an intelligence level of 35, no change morning daily routines, must be prompted verbally and in gestures by parents. Research tools were: 1) an observation form for parent’s prompting behavior before and after in using tactile schedule; 2) an interview form for parents; 3) parent’ prompting behavior record form for a case study while using a tactile schedule and 4) parents' teaching plans. The researcher conducted the research for 4 months and analyzed the data by means of values and descriptions. The results of the study revealed that the process of parental involvement in the use of schedules to reduce the urge to change the morning routine for students with multiple disabilities The sequence of steps are as follows: 1) co - awareness and co - determination of problems, 2) co - planning and co - decisions for solutions, 3) co - operation in activities according to the plan using touch schedules, and 4) co - evaluation and co - operation, know the benefits. In addition, parents reduced the urge to change their morning routines for every activity and the case study's ability to change their morning routines improved, and found that wake - up activity, bathing activities, brushing activity and eating activities case study to change daily routine by himself and in dress activities Pre - school activities Case studies require verbal prompting.

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How to Cite
Srisopharatch, P., Tongsookdee, R., Leosiripong, P., & Vittayakorn, S. (2023). PARENT’S COLLABORATION IN USING TACTILE SCHEDULE TO DECREASE PROMPTING FOR CHANGING MORNING DAILY ROUTINE ACTIVITIES OF A STUDENT WITH MULTIPLE DISABILITIES. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(7), 293–305. Retrieved from
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