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Tanitnan Thammapolburee
Suebpong Suksom


The objectives of this research article were: 1) study the management and operation of government organizations using marijuana for medical purposes; 2) study the components of factors affecting the administration of government organizations using marijuana for medical purposes; and 3) propose guidelines for managing changes in government organizations using marijuana for medical purposes. It is a descriptive study using qualitative research methods that use in - depth interviewing techniques like group focus and brainstorming. The main informants were divided into 3 groups: Group 1: government organizations using marijuana for medical purposes, 5 cases; Group 2: medical marijuana specialists, academics, medical personnel, pharmacists, 12 cases; and Group 3: public sector 7 cases and patients receiving services 10 cases, Total number of key informants in Group 3 were 17 cases, total of 34 key contributors. The tools used for data collection were semi - structured interviews. The results showed that: 1) Governments involved in medical cannabis must comply with laws and regulations that authorize and regulate the cultivation and production of medical cannabis. This includes quality control management and standards for the supply of medical cannabis to stakeholders. 2) Factors affecting the regulation of cannabis use by government organizations for medical purposes, namely cannabis use policy education and promotion of medical marijuana use; monitoring, monitoring, legal and staff experience and expertise; and 3) Guidelines for changes in government organizations using medical cannabis, including research and education. Develop laws and regulations, talent training and development, quality control, and safety. Promote the use of medical marijuana through pricing and taxes, as well as monitoring and evaluation.

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How to Cite
Thammapolburee, T., & Suksom, S. (2023). GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS USE CANNABIS FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(8), 130–140. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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