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Supawadee Waseewiwat
Wilaisak Kingkam
Methawee Yutthapongthada


The purpose of this research article is to study color term from simile with nature in 4 regions of Thai tale literature. It is a qualitative research, collecting color term from comparison with nature in 80 Thai literary tales for analysis. The results of the study revealed that color term from comparison with nature in 4 color term : white, black, red, and yellow. That were used nature to compare various to indicate specific color characteristics such as dark or light colors, Matt color or glitter color. Comparison of things that exist in nature from a large number to less : animals, minerals, plants, humans, intangible substances, and natural phenomenon. It is found that using things in nature to compare as color term together in the 4 regions of Thai tale literature, the number of 1 type is fire, together in 2 regions of Thai tale literature, 3 types namely cotton, ghost and bears. In addition, it is a comparison of things in the nature of each region as color term. This study reveals the way of life of people in the past was close to nature. Authors of Thai fairy tales, who are members of society, choose to use what exists in the surrounding nature as a comparison to describe the specific characteristics of color. Instruct readers to imagine the story and express the emotions of the characters. At the same time, the term color from comparison with nature reflects many aspects of the natural environment of the past. It also shows the beliefs of the people hidden in the comparison of nature to indicate specific characteristics of colors as well.

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How to Cite
Waseewiwat, . S., Kingkam, W., & Yutthapongthada, M. (2023). COLOR TERM FROM COMPARISON WITH NATURE IN THE 4 REGIONAL THAI TALE LITERATURES. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(8), 141–153. Retrieved from
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