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Jongjit Pimsawat
Thunyaphat Vattanajirapun
Supawan Maleehuan


The purpose of this article is to study the factors that influence the dividend yield of securities listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand during COVID-19. Using panel data annually from 2020-2022, a total of 3 years, 157 samples were used. Were analyzed through average, standard deviation, minimum value, maximum value, multicollinearity test with Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Tolerance and VIF, Analyze logistic regression with fixed effect and random effect method. The study found that: Random-effects logistic regression model is appropriate. To reflect the dividend payment of companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand during COVID-19 (Prob. = 0.0004). The Price-to-book value (PBV) ratio, book value per share BVPS can reflect the dividend yield in a positive direction. The stock price (P) and return on equity (ROE) can reflect the dividend yield in a negative direction. statistically significant at 1%. Moreover, when considering the value of adds ratio, it was found that: 1) when the price-to-book value (PBV) ratio increases by 1 time, reflecting that the dividend yield payment is 2.456 times greater than the non-payment of the company's dividend yield; 2) When the book value per share (BVPS) increases by 1 baht, reflecting that the dividend yield payment is 1.516 times greater than the non-payment of the company's dividend yield; 3) When the securities price (P) increases by 1 baht, reflecting that the dividend yield payment is 0.866 times less than the non-payment of the Company's dividend yield; and 4) When the return on equity (ROE) increases by 1%, reflecting that the dividend yield is 0.883 times less than the non-payment of the company's dividend yield.

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How to Cite
Pimsawat, J., Vattanajirapun, T., & Maleehuan, S. (2023). INFLUENCING FACTORS REFLECT THE DIVIDEND YIELD OF LISTED SECURITIES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE OF THAILAND. DURING COVID-19. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(9), 26–39. Retrieved from
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