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Poschanan Boonchuai
Prasopchi Pasunon


Objectives 1) to study the behavior and elements of marketing activities on social media customer experience customer satisfaction brand awareness and brand loyalty through social media, healthy rice of Thailand; 2) Analyze strategies to create brand loyalty for healthy rice in Thailand It was a mixed research with quantitative research using questionnaires with a sample of 1,211 consumers with survey component analysis. and qualitative research with semi-structured interviews. with 27 healthy rice traders through social media. The results showed that 1) The most important behaviors and elements were customer satisfaction. customer experience brand awareness commercial brand loyalty and elements of social media marketing activities. respectively, and accepted the hypothesis with statistical significance at the 0.01 level. 2) Strategies used by entrepreneurs selling healthy rice to attract customers. Use sincerity to impress customers with the quality of rice and non-toxic. The price is suitable for the quality of the product. Good and fast service regular advertising Give customers the confidence to buy Content is created with short content, no more than 1 minute, via social media channels via Facebook, Instagram, Line Office, Shopee, Lazada of entrepreneurs, creating advertisements and promoting sales continuously. Willingness to solve problems for customers It is a marketing activity on online media. Create an experience for customers to know make customers satisfied and brand loyalty.

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How to Cite
Boonchuai, P., & Pasunon, P. (2023). THE STRATEGIES FOR BUILDING BRAND LOYALTY THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA HEALTHY RICE IN THAILAND. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(8), 279–293. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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