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Penpicha Sangkannok
Phatthira Phon-ngam


The purpose of this study is 1) to study the present situation, problems and development need of activity models to encourage the human capital value of life insurance agents in the digital era 2) to development of activity models 3) to use activity models and 4) to evaluate the use of activity models. This research is a mixed method of both quantitative and qualitative research. The population is life insurance agents belonging to the top 5 life insurance companies with the highest market share in 2021, numbering 162,870 people. Simple sampling was done according to the proportion of each company, resulting in a sample size of 400 people and a target group of 30 people. For quantitative research, data were collected using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using basic statistics. For qualitative research, data were collected using in-depth interviews, group discussions, brainstorming, model test and evaluated. Data were analyzed using content analysis and descriptive analysis. The results of this research found that 1) situation of activity models to encourage the human capital value of life insurance agents in the digital era 1.1) Overall, there are moderate activities. 1.2) Problems encountered include life insurance agents not seeing the importance of participating in activities. Lack of budget to support inviting speakers Activities are not consistent with needs. There is no systematic organization of activities. 1.3) Life insurance agents require the following activities: 3 aspects: Value-added Value diversity and Value creation. 2) After developing activity forms and criticisms, all activities 10 activities. 3) It took 4 months to use the activity models from March to June 2023 4) The evaluation is very satisfied with the relevant personnel, and the sales volume and life insurance policy have increased.

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How to Cite
Sangkannok, P., & Phon-ngam, P. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF ACTIVITY MODELS TO ENCOURAGE THE HUMAN CAPITAL VALUE OF LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS IN THE DIGITAL ERA. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(9), 40–50. Retrieved from
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