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Sumitr Ngaburong


The article “Interior Environment in Thai Style Mosque” aims to study information related to the design of the interior physical environment of a mosque that is influenced by Thai style design concepts that can be physically preceived. It is a guideline for studying and developing the design of interior environments in buildings that are similar or related. Topics of the study include: 1) Mosque: origin and meaning, 2) Elements of the environment within the mosque, 3) Architectural concepts of mosques in Thailand, 4) Mosque decoration and the influence of the design of Thai art patterns and Islamic art styles, and 5) a mosque that has a Thai-style physical environment, which develops the concept of architectural design of mosques in Thailand Influenced by Islamic religious factors, Influenced by local factors and influences from the world situation and the affecting the construction of mosques in Bangkok. Including the influence of pattern design, Thai art styles and Islamic art styles. Affecting the concept of mosque architecture during the time that the mosque was built according to the traditional Thai architectural style (before 1851) can be studied from the case study of Bang Luang Mosque. (Kudikhao Mosque) and Tonson Mosque (Kudi Luang Mosque). Therefore, from the study of "Thai Interior Environment Style in a Mosque" especially mosques that have been influenced by traditional Thai architectural style concepts that can be physically perceived according to the elements of the interior environment that include needed space by the user belong activities in the functional area, creating enclosures for various areas, environmental system within the building, designing furniture and facilities, including beauty with decorative part, which is part of the guideline for continuous research and developed to be applied as a guideline for being built interior environment in buildings that have similar characteristics or are appropriately related.

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How to Cite
Ngaburong, S. (2023). INTERIOR ENVIRONMENT IN THAI STYLE MOSQUE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(9), 259–270. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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