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Natchana Bhutasang
Piyawan Thatsananchalee
Praepim Silavanich
Aranda Senkas
Kridsada Nancha


This research article aims to study the development of an occupational skills learning model for children and youth in the justice process in Phra Nakorn Sri Ayutthaya province. The research applies to action research methodology consisting of 4 processes: plan, action, observation, and reflection. Key informants of the research consist of 390 learners from 6 prisons in Phra Nakorn Sri Ayutthaya province and 25 lectures. Results of the research found the occupational skills model contains 4 main steps: 1) Deep listening to learners by asking about the skill desire. The lecturer should spend time on this process because it supports their attention within the class and also the relationship development between Lerner and the lecturer. 2) Provide lecture and design learning process which of active learning. This process should be prepared by the internal team because the project had a variety of classes so the internal team must communicate the planning and objective to outsource for archive together. 3) Doing process which is a process to develop learner study by themselves via their experience. The process focuses on individual abilities, and non-competition to others, but they can compare their skill by themselves. 4) Reflecting on ideas and improvement, the Lecturer should reflect and give positive advice. However, the research found that learners had reflections about future life plans and increased occupational skills. The change occurred in 4 areas: 1) positive attitude and active learning behavior. 2) Better relationship between learners and their friends. 3) The learning policy was changed to flexible learning time support. 4) Increase the quality of another prisoner.

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How to Cite
Bhutasang, N., Thatsananchalee, P., Silavanich, P., Senkas, A., & Nancha, K. (2023). DEVELOPING OCCUPATIONAL SKILLS LEARNING MODEL FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH IN THE JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM, PHRA NAKORN SI AYUTTHAYA PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(9), 78–89. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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