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Somkiat Chidthaisong


This research had 4 purposes were : 1) to study the conditions and problems of management in developing the quality of Educational Service Area, 2) to develop The Area-Based model for Enhancing the Quality of Educational Management in the Educational Service Area, 3) to implement and evaluate the Area-Based model for Enhancing the Quality of educational management in the educational service area, 4) to make policy recommendations of the Area-Based management for enhancing the quality of educational management in the educational service area. Using Research and Development methodology for make a Policy Brief. The finding showed that: There were 5 aspects of operating conditions: personnel, society and culture, Economic, physical and financial aspects. This Area-Based management Model of the Educational Service Area was focused on process, by analyzing the potential in the area in terms of human capital, social capital, economic capital, physical capital, and financial capital through the process of participation of relevant people in planning and setting goals, event design, put activities into practice and evaluation. The main goal was to raise the quality of education which success can be measured by the performance of the Educational Service Area, the school, teachers and educational personnel, and students. The results of the implementing model were appropriate, and possibility at the highest level. Policy proposals include: The Office of the Basic Education Commission should create data and information on the potential of national areas, spatial management indicators should be established to evaluate the operational success of the area, educational service area administrators should use leadership to proactively coordinate and establish projects and activities that use the potential in the area, integrate missions with local government organizations and communities, build relationships and effective communication.

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How to Cite
Chidthaisong, S. (2023). THE AREA-BASED MODEL FOR ENHANCING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT IN THE EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(9), 176–186. Retrieved from
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