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Benyasiri Ngamsaad


The objectives of this research article were to 1) to study the management of cultural tourism resources of the Mon community to promote tourism in Pathumthani Province; 2) to study the factors affecting the management of cultural tourism resources of the Mon community to promote tourism in Pathum Thani Province. It was a mixed research method, consisting of quantitative research and qualitative research, qualitative research, by interviewing 20 key informants and quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires, from 400 samples were selected. The research found that; The ability to organize a tourism program, budget was allocated and tourism management authority was transferred to the local authority. People were impressed with the organization of tourism programs. In terms of accessibility, transport and drainage systems were improved. There was training for people and young people to be good owners of houses that could create traction to see tourists. Having room availability restaurants and public restrooms. In terms of tourism activities, there were activities related to the villagers' way of life and there were activities that allow tourists to have the opportunity to participate in activities. In terms of the service of the attractions, tourists commented that the villagers were friendly and the youth that the tour guide performed was impressed. Factors of cultural tourism of the Mon community affecting the management of cultural tourism resources of the Mon community to promote tourism, overall, including Tourism planning and development decisions (X1), Tourism is sustainable tourism management and development (X4) and community people should receive (X6) with regression coefficients of 0.629, 0.712 and 0.642 respectively, and the prediction coefficient (R2) was 0.781 or able to lead the overall drug prevention behavior of 78.1% of the students.

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How to Cite
Ngamsaad, B. (2023). CULTURAL TOURISM RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OF THE MON COMMUNITY TO PROMOTE TOURISM IN PATHUM THANI PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(9), 340–349. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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