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Chanyaphak Chaiyaphan
Suppharerk Kathammanee
Thanaporn Muangmungkun
Maytira Krainatee
Santi Wongsueng


The research objectives were: 1) To analyze the original and new value chain of shadow puppet products in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. 2) To assess the economic value of shadow puppet products before and after the project. The research results found that the analysis of the original value chain of shadow puppet products in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, using the original baseline (activity base) to research the new value chain, found that finding new opportunities from the value chain that created growth of the grassroots economic value was done by managing a system of Eco-Systems (collaboration and sharing of different knowledge with different working lines). This resulted in two new value chains: 1) Reducing the role of links in the supply chain by producing products themselves (distributor 2) and adding links by taking new products from entrepreneurs (distributor 1) to sell in marketing channels. This can increase the income of entrepreneurs. 2) Expanding links is to add stakeholders in the value chain of entrepreneurs who are Nakhon Si Thammarat lacquerware entrepreneurs to create new products by transferring the cultural capital of shadow puppets in patterns on materials other than cowhide, namely the use of various copper sheets. The second objective found that the assessment of the economic value before and after the project of the original entrepreneurs found that the original entrepreneurs who produced shadow puppet products on the income of the shadow puppet entrepreneur No. 1 increased by 45.97%, the shadow puppet entrepreneur No. 2 was increased by 55.19%, the shadow puppet entrepreneur No. 3 was increased by 48.77%. In addition, the research project could also create cultural entrepreneurs in product value, which could generate income of 25,800 Bath, namely the lacquerware entrepreneur No. 4.

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How to Cite
Chaiyaphan, C., Kathammanee, S., Muangmungkun, T., Krainatee, M., & Wongsueng, S. (2023). SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT OF SHADOW PUPPETS IN NAKHON SI THAMMARAT PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(10), 137–147. Retrieved from
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